
You're Here Because...

You have unused land and property that is detracting from the area it's in. You may have long term plans for the site but at the moment the time's not right to start construction.

Perhaps you're starting to feel the pressure of various campaigns to bring stalled sites into use and want to consolidate your reputation as a responsible landowner. You've seen the green agenda move firmly into the limelight and feel that it's prudent to adopt a position where you can address the issue under your own terms.

Temporary works are being recognised as way forward. Schemes like the government-backed Community Land Bank Scheme supported by the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens and Property Week's Site Life campaign which is being supported by the British Property Federation.

You know that your land could be made more attractive and potentially used by the public and community. You're not against the idea but you have concerns about being able to continue with your plans when the time's right and unhindered by additional constraints.

You're looking for someone who can take the pressure off you and make a suitable scheme happen.

That's where we come in.

There are images on the left of each page on this website.

Moving your mouse them will give an indication of the dramatic improvements that could result from a temporary scheme.